Life Magazine – October 27, 1887 (# 252)
Magazine condition : Good (Nice. Spine a bit rough from being removed from bound volume, binding strings gone).
Out of stock
Cover : Mother admonishing child for using an indelicate phrase – in Latin!, art by H. McVickar.
– Artists and cartoonists include F. G. Attwood (full page), Woolf, Stephen Van Schaick, Oliver Herford, Chip, and others.
– Two page center spread art by A. Brennan, Halloween theme.
– Current topics include American Board, Christianity, heathens, eccentric New York Herald is suffering again from curvature of its political spine, The Sanitary Era asks why public seats are fit to men and therefore too big for women, and more.
– A song of a shepherd, poem by Henry R. Evans.
– Carlyle Smith gives a list of books that have helped him.
– A quiet word with Maecenas, book reviews.
– It is pleasant to reflect that the Chicago anarchists will shortly get to the end of their rope.
– Another Redfern Ladies’ tailor ad (one in almost every issue) with illustrations of gowns.
– Small ad for Oriental carpets, rugs and portieres, Joseph Wild and Company.
– Half page Pears’ soap ad with oriental theme, 3 women and small child.
– And more.