Life Magazine – October 19, 1893 (# 564) – Modesty and low-cut gown
Magazine Condition : Good (Once bound, spine is a bit rough from where it was removed from bound volume and pages may be loosening. Edges of ad text may be barely trimmed.).
2 in stock
Cover : Modest young lady turning her back on some approaching gentlemen who are amazed by the low-cut the back of her gown, “A one-sided virtue,” art by Lee Woodward Zeigler.
– Full page art or cartoon art by Charles Dana Gibson (landscape format : Why do you employ that haughty English butler?).
– Humorous five part comic strip by Kemble of monkey and stork, The Pill and the book of jokes.
– Two page centerspread art by Charles Howard Johnson, “After the campaign,” Tired young lady and her maid, dejected cupid, surrounded by luggage, watching as another young lady walks away with the man.
– Some current events include : Dr. Seward Webb is building a house in the Adirondacks which will cost one and a half million dollars and be the biggest and finest private residence in the country, A large number of college educated young men seem to be getting jobs as football coaches (Heffelfinger, Laurie Bliss, and others), Fiscal inconveniences we are suffering, Racing Sailboat “Vigilant” (center board is better than an unadorned keel).
– Full page ad for Redfern silk and velvet gowns, coats and capes, with artwork, one lady is holding a gun.
– And many more smaller artworks, cartoon art, and ads … a very entertaining vintage publication!