Life Magazine – November 16, 1893 (# 568) – Why pray at night?
$5.00 – $10.00
Magazine Condition : Good (Once bound, spine is a bit rough from where it was removed from bound volume and pages may be loosening. Edges of ad text may be barely trimmed.) OR POOR (Same as Good. Once bound, but missing back cover)
Cover : Clergyman and mother listening to a young boy, “A reasoning mind,” art by Frank Otis Small. Clergyman : And why should little boys say their prayers every night? Good boy : So’s the Lord can have a chance to get what they want by morning.
– Full page art or cartoon art by Charles Howard Johnson, “Some impressions of society during Horse Show week.
– Two page centerspread art by Charles Dana Gibson, “The horse show : how the animals appear from the boxes,” looking out at humans.
– One third page ad on back cover for Redfern Furs with art of a Mountain Lion (!).
– Some current events include : William W. Astor will no longer accept questionable product (quack medicines) advertising in his publications, Henry White the former Secretary of the American Legation in London, Kansas passed a law restraining the greed of outside capitalists, so they are all pulling their money out of Kansas, Big Tiffany diamond purchased for Mrs. Yerkes of the Chicago cable car family.
– And many more smaller artworks, cartoon art, and ads … a very entertaining vintage publication!
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