Life Magazine – May 8, 1890 (# 384) – Social Nuisance
Magazine Condition : Good
1 in stock
Cover : Unfortunate, wife wants his cane engraved with his initials which are IHS, art by Albert Wenzell. IHS stands for Iesus Hominum Salvator, or Jesus saviour of mankind, or In His Service, and is seen on headstones.
– Two page centerspread art by Charles Dana Gibson, “Social nuisances : the man who never knows when he has talked enough.”
– Some current events include : Charles Dudley Warner theorizes that American women are monopolizing American culture, People have compassion for all others except stock brokers.
– “It doesn’t do to believe everything you hear, even between campaigns.
– Lump statements like the above (gambling loss, dancing party) and let them offset one another.”
– And many more smaller artworks, cartoon art, and ads … a very entertaining vintage publication!
– And much more 2Neat vintage Life magazine 1890 content – fun!