Life Magazine – May 6, 1909 (# 1384) – Sportsman’s Number
Magazine Condition : Fair (All Good, nice, but once part of a bound volume so spine is a little rough. One page has a corner torn off. The corner is present and could be reattached. Affects the Knabe Piano ad.).
1 in stock
Cover : Cupid is advising a lady hunter who is watching men coming in to land near the man decoys she has floating in the water in front of her, art by Raymond Moreau Crosby.
– SPORTSMAN’S NUMBER (a lot of hunting-related humor).
– Full page color ads for Remington Autoloading Rifle (Going into Africa, Big Game Cartridges, art of locals leading camels loaded with rifles); Fisk Removable Rims (With very cute child-like art of couple in a car, not signed); Baker Electric Vehicles (Aristocrats of Motordom, with art of a young lady and her dog zipping along in the open-topped Baker “Queen Victoria.”
– Half page artwork by W. O. Wilson showing an automobile running into a horse-drawn furniture wagon, with furniture going every which way, “Furniture Carefully Removed.”
– Half page ad for the Caloris Bottle, an insulated thermos for hot or cold that looks surprisingly modern.
– Quarter Page ad for the Astor Trust Company with a list of officers and directors (4 years later John Jacob Astor dies on the Titanic).
– Full page black and white ads for Packard Motor Car Company (with the Packard Eighteen Runabout); Wm. Knabe Pianos;
– Full page art or cartoon art by J. Conacher (Magnanimous : one hunter with hat full of holes, other one blasé about it); Art Young (New York City – is it worth it? Art shows crowds, crime, accidents); William H. Walker (Uncle Gulliver and the Harriputians : Uncle Sam tied down by a network of railroad lines);
– Two page centerspread art by the wonderful Harrison Cady, When the Greatest Show on Earth” reaches Rhinoceros Corners.
– Some current events include : The Wheat bull James Patten is not bankrupt yet, he has retreated to a ranch in Colorado 25 miles from a railroad line; Abdul Hamid and troubles in Turkey and the region; Ambassador White runs into trouble when his Protestant daughter wants to marry a French Catholic; Sudden death of publisher Peter Fenelon Collier.
– And many, many more smaller artworks and much humor!
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