Life Magazine – June 19, 1902 (# 1025) – Boer War
Magazine Condition : Fair (Generally Good, but cover is loose and split along spine. Back cover is scuffed).
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Categories: LIFE 1902, LIFE Magazine 1883-1936
Tags: LIFE 1902, LIFE Magazine
Cover : Lady “20th century” who is watering the populace with money, tells Minerva (with water jug labeled “Knowledge”) that she is out of date, art by William H. Walker.
- Neat quarter page artwork by Rudolph Dirks of people parachuting from the shipwreck of an air ship.
- Full page artwork by Raymond Crosby, The college widow, another farewell.
- Cute half page artwork by C. Allan Gilbert of a young man who is coaching his girl to look like she is being kissed for a photograph.
- Two page centerspread art by C. H. Ebert, The coronation Of King Edward VII, I believe this pertains to the fallout from the Boer War.
- Some current events include : The Boer war is over, Mr. Chamberlain is the statesman most responsible for the worst bargain in war that Great Britain ever made, Shocking accidents caused by automobiles (hit and run), statue of Count de Rochambeau.
- Quarter page photo of kids on a swing at Life’s Fresh Air Farm.
- And many more smaller artworks, cartoon art, and ads … a very entertaining vintage publication!