Life Magazine – July 9, 1896 (# 706) – Dog is center of attention
Magazine Condition : Fair (All Very Good, but has a minor edge water mark).
Out of stock
Cover : I was fool enough to think a girl’s ‘No’ meant ‘Yes’ when her father was in the house, art by D. A. McKellar.
– Full page art or cartoon art by T. V. Chominski (He: So it is all forgotten, even your kissing me that night a year ago. She: Yes, I never could remember faces), Otto Toaspern (Making it all right : father is going to start supporting the future husband now so he can delay his daughter’s wedding a few months).
– Two page centerspread art by Charles Dana Gibson, An After Dinner Relief, diners are all happy to give attention to a little dog so they don’t have to talk to each other anymore.
– Some current events include : Democratic Convention in Chicago, Free Silver Coinage Plank in the Democratic platform, Gold vs Silver Standard, A well-known clubman in New York owes his bootmaker $5,000!, Harvard just passed a year with no games or races against Yale, Princeton and Cornell sports are in ascendancy.
– Cute five part artwork with a goat, green apples and Bown’s Jamaica Ginger.
– And more smaller artworks, cartoon art, and ads … a very entertaining vintage publication!
– And so much more! Life humor magazines are great FUN – get ready to grin, giggle and guffaw!