Life Magazine – July 5, 1928 (# 2383) – Settling out of court
Magazine Condition : Good
1 in stock
Cover : Policeman holding billy club and dragging wrong doer, “Say, Buddy, can’t we settle this out of court an’ avoid a scandal?,” art by Pancoast (probably Morris Hall Pancoast).
– This issue has a different content format with much on politics.
– Full page color Seiberling tires ad with small artwork of travel in Mexico.
– Full page ads for Stutz (with art of green car), Listerine (signed but illegible), Phoenix hosiery (art), Coca-Cola (Shakespeare art theme).
– Humorous political piece by Will Rogers, Our Candidate knee-deep in applesauce.
– Full page art or cartoon art by Farr (Putting our public institutions on a paying basis : an enterprising advertising man peps up the Metropolitan Museum of Art), Wally = A. A. Wallgren (The non-refillable bottle), G. B. Inwood (I am the captain of my soul).
– Mention of Acidophilous milk in a cartoon by John Held Jr.
– Some current events include : The big bridal month is over and many cutaway suits have been packed away again, Pervigilium Veneris, Clerical discussions of the decay of modern marriage, Marriage is essentially not pleasure but work, Amelia Earhart, Delicate case of Ex-Judge Ben Lindsey in Colorado.
– “Now that the first woman has flown across the Atlantic one may hope that the epidemic of assorted firsts in aviation will presently be abating.”
– Full page color Chesterfield cigarettes ad with artwork of man and woman in red canoe, art by Saul Tepper.
– And much more 1928 2Neat antique Life magazine content – cool!