Life Magazine – February 25, 1904 (# 1113) – BEST Gibson art!
Magazine Condition : POOR (Generally Good, but one inside page is missing a corner which affects a bit of the text there. The cover is split along the spine and loose. Spine end has a minor water mark. Magazine overall is nicer than this makes it sound.).
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Cover : Less attractive lady with her gorgeous friend at portrait studio, “These photographs of my friend are beautiful! Can you do some of me just like them?” “Madam, we can do almost anything,” art by Raymond Moreau Crosby.
– Full page art or cartoon art by F. T. Richards (February), Kemble (The turtle sings a comic song), F. W. Read (The new bride “You haven’t kissed me for five minutes.” The tired groom “My, how the time flies.”).
– BEST EVER Two page centerspread art by Charles Dana Gibson, “Studies in Expression : Bridget announces that she is engaged to be married,” the maid looks humble but happy (she is probably going to lose her job once married) and the matron and her three rich spinster daughters … guess what their expressions are!
– Some current events include : Signs of ill-feelings between the Russians and the Japanese, Americans usually side with the underdog which in this case would be Japan, Huge fire in Baltimore (burned for two days, 1,231 firefighters, burned most of the center of the city including more than 1,500 buildings).
– Half page artwork by James Montgomery Flagg, Single man out walking and meeting married man with his family, both men think “Lucky Dog!”
– Full page ad for Schlitz beer (nice artwork with Doctor giving the reasons Schlitz beer is good).
– Includes excellent small Pope bicycle ad, sweet!
– And many more smaller artworks, cartoon art, and ads … a very entertaining vintage publication!
– And much more 2Neat vintage Life magazine 1904 content – fun!
Want More? Click —> Pope Bicycle Ad, 1904 LIFE magazine.
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