Life Magazine – February 23, 1911 (# 1478) – Rich Man’s Number
Magazine Condition : Good (Once part of a bound volume, so spine is slightly rough and binding strings show)
1 in stock
Cover : Angel with the key to the pearly gates holding up her hand to halt a rich man who is carrying bags of money, art by Orson Lowell. The subject of the issue (excess practiced by the too rich) is still relavant 106 years later.
– RICH MAN’S NUMBER (much humor related to excess, wealth and riches).
– Full page color ad for Williams’ Shaving Stick and Jersey Cream soap.
– Full page black and white ads for Locomobile (with photo of “30” Baby Tonneau on the shore of a lake), Life magazine (Peacock Number coming next week), Packard Motor Trucks (With small art of Tiffany Studios truck being loaded), Hudson Motor Car Company (with art of Hudson “33” and Madison Square Garden).
– Full page art or cartoon art by Art Young (A success : Gold, Glory, Gout), Power O’Malley (Man in the moon talking to woman flying an airplane at night, “Now that you know the way, come often.”), Orson Lowell (The rich man and the flies, the less fortunate swarm around him and beseeching him for money while he naps with fly swatter in hand).
– Two page centerspread art by C. Clyde Squires, “It isn’t always the early bird that catches the worm,” regular people crowding in the dark at 6am to work at the factory, fat rich man getting into his chauffeur-driven car to go to the office at 10am.
– Some current events include : The fight over the New York state senatorship, the whole editor’s column pertains to this.
– Half page artwork by W. O. Wilson, “If money grew on trees,” people sweeping up, picking up (like litter) and wading through the fallen greenbacks.
– And much, much more.
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