Life Magazine – December 6, 1917 (# 1832) – Christmas Number
$48.00 – $88.00
Magazine Condition Choices :
Fair (All Very Good, lovely!, but center spread art is torn and poor. Remove that page to create a Very Good copy for a gift).
Cover : Squirrels in the forest pilfering Santa’s sleigh while he is delivering presents to a cottage, “Why Santa Claus hadn’t enough toys to go round,” art by Rodney Thomson.
– CHRISTMAS NUMBER (this is a very FAT issue with Many extra color pages).
– Full page color ads for Fatima cigarettes (unnamed man’s portrait), Victrola (opera singers on staircase with Santa), Red & Barton jewelers and silversmiths, Fisk Tires (with the iconic sleepy boy holding a tire and yawning), Rameses cigarettes, Nujol for constipation (woman in dark peach holding a naked baby, not signed), Columbia Grafonola (Christmas house scene with young girl holding a record), McCallum silk Hosiery (GORGEOUS sepia tone art by Majorie C. Woodbury of woman in furs ski jumping), Egyptian Deities cigarettes (not signed), Life Savers (nice art with cherub dressed as Santa, not signed), Whitman’s chocolates (with military Santa carrying boxes of chocolates), Prudential Insurance (lovely Red Cross lady knitting for soldiers, not signed), Omar cigarettes, Chase Plush Motor Car Robes (signed but illegible), Eastman Kodak.
– Full page black and white ads for Exide battery (art by Roy Martell Mason), White Rock Water, Tuxedo tobacco, Walthan watches (with art of Korean man and railroad), Onyx Silk Hosiery, Goodrich Silvertown cord tires, Velvet tobacco (art by M. Leone Bracker), Krementz Evening Jewelry, Century Company books, Life magazine calendars.
– Half page ad for travel to California with large photo of five women under a beach umbrella.
– Full page art or cartoon art by Charles Dana Gibson (two pages, His New Father, Little boy starring across at his mother with a new older man), Charles Broughton (Christmas 1917, children playing and parading through the war ruins), Oliver Herford (Frenzylogical chart), Charles Forbell (Don’t fall, Henry or you’ll break the picture … man standing on top of an impossibly high ladder to hang a picture), Robert L. Dickey (As we forgive those who trespass against us, Puppy still likes a little boy plays too rough), Rodney Thomson (two pages, Northern Society Notes, like an Eskimo newspaper), Charles Dana Gibson (on their way, Lady Victory marching hand in hand with an Allied soldier), F. T. Richards (November), Newman (page and a half, Great! But a little sad, too, The history of Grandmother’s mahogany extension table), Angus MacDonall (Brothers: the fortunes of eight puppies), Ellison Hoover (The big game, war in Europe as football game, two pages).
– Super half page art by Calvert, “Convoyed,” Santa’s sleigh surrounded by a bunch of bi-wing plane escorts at night.
– Full page color art or cartoon art by Victor C. Anderson (Puppy gazing on as young boy and girl talk), Victor C. Anderson (His Xmas Eve, Happy Dreams … young boy sleeping in empty train station.)
– Two page COLOR centerspread art by Oliver Herford, To be shot at sunrise, Cupid preparing to shoot a wounded soldier in his hospital bed as a pretty young nurse carries in his breakfast.
– Small photos of various fatherless French children: Marie Laplace, Elizabeth Augery, Henri Charlemagne, Hubert Anjoran, Jean des Jardins, Omer Lefebvre, Andre Rezean, Georges Rezean, Eugenie Servettoz, Louise Paragot, Roger Paragot, Dede Paragot, Jeanne Mias, and some family members.
– Some current events include : The war, civilization.
– And much more 1917 2Neat antique Life magazine content – cool!