Life Magazine – April 1, 1920 (# 1952) – Easter, new Hat
Magazine Condition Choices :
Good (All Very Good, but has minor cover edge smudge)
Cover : Appalled man looking at price tag while his wife tries on a new hat, “The Spendthrift,” art by Victor C. Anderson.
– EASTER NUMBER (much on Easter, fatter than typical).
– Full page color ads for Rigaud’s Mary Garden beauty products, Whitman’s Sampler (chocolates, nice art by Joseph Walter Hawkins), Michelin Tires (a cute one with four Michelin Men in a car), Mercer Motors Company (nice art of spring country motoring scene), Orange Crush soad (art by G. H. Mitchell), Nunnally’s candies (a reminder of Eastertide, with art), Prudential Insurance Company (insure their happiness), Vantine’s oriental perfumes and incense (nice oriental art), Ide Collars (for men), Curtice Brothers Blue Label Foods (art of man harvesting tomatoes, art possibly by Charles Waldo Love, signature is W c Love), McCallum Silk Hosiery (another gorgeous sepia tone artwork by Marjorie C. Woodbury, lady in curious night clothes in open window as bird carries off blue stocking), Huyler’s Candy (GREAT art of kids running down hill from castle after rabbit), Chase Leatherwove car upholstery (nice art!), Cole Motor Car Company (with Cole Aero-eight sportster), Pall Mall cigarettes.
– Full page black and white ads for Empire Loomcraft silks (shirtings for men, Empire Silk Company, art by Harry Morse Meyers), Waltham watches (Proof), Irish Linen Society (art by GP or CP, probably Palmer), Oneida Community Plate tableware, Addressograph (looks like a punch card reader), W. & J. Sloane home and porch furniture, Hansen Gloves, Rubberset shaving brush (with cute art of group of tiny men pulling on the bristles and trying unsuccessfully to dislodge them), Camel cigarettes, United State Rubber Company.
– Full page art or cartoon art by Charles Dana Gibson (Blindman’s bluff, blind and crippled soldier reaching out for help at the Federal Vocational Board while all the officials cower out of reach), Rodney Thomson (They toil not, neither do they spin), Harry Grant Dart (If the price of clothing goes up another cent), Victor C. Anderson (His new boat – who’s having the fun? Two grandfathers play with a toy sailboat while a little boy watches glumly from shore), May Wilson Preston (Congratulations on your marriage to Mrs. Ponsby).
– Two page center spread art by Charles Dana Gibson, The trustworthy hen, placing the “Hoover Idea” egg under the hen of Public Opinion.
– Half page artwork by P. D. Johnson, Luncheon and Lunch, ladies dining inside a café, work men eating from lunch pails on the sidewalk outside.
– Some current events include : Pass the treaty and join the League of Nations says Hoover, Premier Millerand says that France and the United States must stay friends, It would cost 50 million dollars to bring the bodies of American servicemen home to the USA from Europe, Proposed Roosevelt equestrian statue.
– And much more 2Neat vintage Life magazine 1920 content – fun!
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