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Artists in original Life magazine 1883-1936

The artists of the early Life magazine (1883-1936)

This list is huge (yes!) but still contains only a portion of the artists in the first Life magazine.  Most artists listed below either contributed many artworks to Life magazine or were featured on a cover, a two-page center spread or a full-page artwork.  You may assume that most artists appeared many more times in Life magazine than is indicated in my descriptions. *** The links below show search results for only one version of each name, try others if you want to find more examples!

My descriptions of samples of the content of Life magazine were written over many years and my ability to identify individual artists grew as time passed.  The same artist (for example) may appear in my descriptions as Crosby, R. M. Crosby, Rm Crosby, or Raymond Moreau Crosby.  I spent many (many!) hours bent over the magazines with a hand lens to study signatures and then more hours searching other forums for verification.  Some of the signatures were clear but I could not find a reference to them elsewhere so they are unverified.  I cannot guarantee absolute accuracy, but I have tried.

A few names came from lists of contributors and may not be included in a magazine description on the website.  Some of the artists changed their signatures over the years, either in style (printed vs. cursive) or in content of the signature.  Some signed with a glyph or a nickname and not a signature.  Some were always legible, some were never legible (you just needed to recognize the scrawl).  Other sources may disagree with (or have mis-spelled) a name (i.e. Wilson vs. William).  I left out those that really flummoxed me.


Samuel Nelson Abbott
Franklin P. Adams
John Wolcott Adams
Sydney Adamson
Bob Addams
Charles Addams = Chas Addams
Courtney Allen
Erma Paul Allen
T. S. Allen
Will Allen
William Merle Allison
Carl Anderson, probably Carl T.
C. W. Anderson (not Carl)
F. Richard Anderson
Percy Edward Anderson
Victor C. Anderson
Emidio Angelo
Norman Anthony
Rolf Armstrong
Peter Arno  (real name Curtis Arnoux Peters, Jr. )
Guy Arnoux
Jack Arthur
Pierre M. Artigue
Boris Artzybasheff
Edward Marion Ashe = E. M. Ashe
Francis Gilbert Attwood = F. G. Attwood

Rene Bache
Otto Bacher
Max Bachmann
Roswell Bacon
William Jacob Baer
Bruce Bairnsfather
Ernest Hamlin Baker
Tony Balcom
C. LeRoy Baldridge
William Balfour-Ker (= Wm = W. M.) – – – >  Read more about him!
J. K. Bangs
McClelland Barclay
Chas A. Barker
Perry Barlow
C. Barnes, probably Culmer Barnes.
Geo. W. Barratt = G. Watson Barratt = George Barratt = Watson Barratt
Ralph Barton
Charles Baskerville
Clarence Daniel Batchelor
H. M. Bateman
Lewis Baumer
Cecil Calvert Beall, probably NOT the artist who signs as Calvert
Daniel Carter Beard = Dan Beard
W. C. Beaumont
Frank Beaven
J. T. Beggs
F. P. W. Bellew = Chip = Chip Riddle = Chip & Riddle.
Frank Henry Temple Bellew
George Bellows
Ludwig Bemelmans
Robert Benchley – dramatic critic.
Wladyslaw Teodor Benda = W. T. Benda
William Bengough
Leon Benigni
Jack Bennett
Nesbitt Benson, also spelled Nesbit Benson = Wilson Nesbitt Benson
P. R. Benson
H. Benton
Thomas Hart Benton
Dale Beronius
Carl W. Bertsch
Walter Biggs
Reginald Bathhurst Birch = Birch
C. A. Birchfield
Cyril Kenneth Bird – – – see Fougasse
G. H. Blair
E. Warde Blaisdell
George Blake
Albert D. Blashfield
E. H. Blashfield
Tip Bliss
A. T. Blomquist
Earl Blossom
M. L. Blumenthal
Vladimir Bobritsky = Bobri
William Bodfish
Elmer L. Boone
Franklin Booth
Hanson Booth
John Edward Borein = Edward Borein
C. N. Bowen
M. Leone Bracker
Josh Brady
George Brehm = Geo Bream
Bill Breck
Worth Brehm
Herb Breneman
Alfred Brenn
Alfred Laurens Brennan
Harold Matthews Brett
Edward Vincent Brewer
J. Ernest Brierly
Austin Briggs
Clare A. Briggs
Floyd Brink
Robert Moore Brinkerhoff = R. M. Brinkerhoff
Charles Broughton = Chas. Broughton
Arthur William Brown
Pamela Vinton-Brown (Pamela Hart Brown Vinton, Pamela Vinton Ravenel)
Sam Brown
Tom Browne
Charles Jay Budd = C. J. Budd
Leighton Budd
Walter Buehr
Charles Livingston Bull
Rene Bull
Gilbert Bundy
Mayo Bunker
Rudolph F. Bunner
C. J. Burcher
Gertrude Burlingame
J. Paul Burnham
Hal Burrows, Harold Longmore Burrows
Charles Green Bush = C. G. Bush

Harrison Cady
Calvert, probably James Calvert Smith
Blendon Reed Campbell
E. Simms Campbell
Lane Campbell
Marcel Capy
Clifford Carleton
D. T. Carlisle
George Carlson
Will Carroll
Max Carruth
Paul Carruth
Edward C. Caswell
C. E. Chambers = Charles E. Chambers
Charleson, likely Malcolm Daniel Charleson
Joseph Cummings Chase
Leo Cheney
G. K. Chesterton, writer.
Chip – – – see Bellew
Cecil Chichester
T. V. Chominski
Howard Chandler Christy
C. F. Church, likely Charles Freeman Church
A. J. Clapp
Dick Clark = Dick Clarke
E. N. Clark
Geo Clark
S. H. Clarke
John Cecil Clay
Thomas Maitland Cleland = T. M. Cleland
Bert Cobb
W. H. Cobb
Frederick Simpson Coburn = F. S. Coburn
Haskell Coffin
Fred Cole
Nathan Leo Collier = Nate Collier
Sewell Collins
Enos B. Comstock
J. Conacher
W. H. Conn
Mark Connelly
H. I. Connet
Elmer P Cook
J. S. Cook
Fred G. Cooper = FGC = F. G. Cooper
Frank Graham Cootes
Coultaus, probably Harry K. Coultaus.
Covarrubias, probably Miguel
J. R. Covert
Palmer Cox
Bradshaw Crandell
E. Stetson Crawford
Will Crawford, probably William Galbraith Crawford
Crisp, likely Arthur Watkins Crisp
Ralph C. Criswell
Gertrude V. Crosby = Gertrude Volz
Percy L. Crosby (SKIPPY) = P. L. Crosby
Raymond Moreau Crosby = Rm. Crosby = R. M. Crosby = Raymond Crosby
Richard V. Culter = R. V. Culter
John Steuart Curry
Otho Cushing

D with Arrow through it – Who knows this artist?
A. S. Daggy
Gregory d’Alessio
Whitney Darrow, Jr.
Harry Grant Dart = H. G. Dart
Edmund Davenport
C. A. David
Arthur Bowen Davies = A. B. Davies
Elmer Davis – editorials
Stark Davis
Warren B. Davis = Warren Davis
Maurice Day
Robert James Day = Robt Day = Robert Day
Helena Smith Dayton
Abner Dean
Louis De Armand
Richard Decker
Baron C. De Grimm
Edith Deitsch
Gerard C. Delano
S. Delevante
Walter DeMaris = Walter De Maris
Wilson deMeza = W. de Meza. Another source said William.
Harold Denison = Harold
W. W. Denslow
Donald Denton
Victor De Pauw
Henry Ellinwood Dey = H. E. Dey
George de Zayas = Dezayas
Robert Livingston Dickey = R. L. Dickey
R. F. Dickson
Gus Dirks
Maynard Dixon
Allen B. Doggett
G. Donnan
Clement H. Donshea
Albert Dorne
George F. Douglas
Leonard Dove
G. G. Drayton
William Van Dresser
Herman Lui Drucklieb = H. L. Drucklieb
Helen Dryden
Frances Edwina Dumm = EDWINA
Gregor Duncan.
Walter Jack Duncan
Charles A. R. Dunn
Clare Victor Dwiggins = Dwig

Harold C. Earnshaw
Ruth Eastman Rodgers = Ruth Eastman
C. H. Ebert
Arthur N. Edrop
Edwina = Frances Edwina Dumm
Geo T. Eggleston
Howard K. Elcock
Clarence Ellsworth
Ellen Gertrude Emmet = E. G. Emmet = Ellen Rand
F. P. England
W. J. Enright
Carl Erickson = ERIC
David Ericson
Anthony H. Euwer
James Cady Ewell
Raymond Crawford Ewer

Fabien Fabiano
Jaro Fabry
Beaumont M. Fairbank
Charles Buckles Falls = C. B. Falls
Louis Fancher
Maud Tousey Fangel
William Gordon Farr = Jack Farr
Albert Farrell
Joseph Farrelly
Ralph Faulkner
Nancy Fay
Laurence Fellows
Mark Fenderson
Bob Fink
Denman Fink
Anton Otto Fischer  – – – READ MORE about Anton Otto Fischer
Harrison Fisher
Nelson Fisher
Frank Livingston Fithian
James Montgomery Flagg = J. M. Flagg
Homer Fleming
Louis Fleming
Eustace Lee Florance
W. A. Fogers
Foster Morse Follett
A. H. Folwell
Charles Forbell
Alonzo Earl Foringer
Victor Clyde Forsythe = Clyde Forsythe
Vic Forsythe (probably different from Clyde)
C. Fosmire, probably Cyrus Fosmire
Laura Elizabeth Foster
William Harnden Foster = Will Foster
Cyril Kenneth Bird Fougasse
Hal Fowler
Kenneth Fowler
Harland Frazer
Don Freeman
John Frew
Charles Daniel Frey
Anthony Fraioli
Edmond Frederick
Arthur Burdett Frost = A. B. Frost
Alfred Frueh
Ernest Fuhr
Ralph Briggs Fuller = R. B. Fuller   (MOST listed with initials)

Lester Gaba
George W. Gage
Sears Gallagher
John Gannam
Chester I. Garde = Chet I Garde
Donald Gardner
G. Gardner
Arthur Garratt
Ralph Garrison
Theodor Seuss Geisel = Dr. Seuss = Dr. S.
Thurston Gentry
Mary Eleanor George
Paul Gerding
Geo Gibbs, George Gibbs
Charles Dana Gibson = C. D. Gibson   – – – READ MORE about Charles Dana Gibson.
C. Allan Gilbert
Pates Gilbert
Jessie Gillespie
Mac Rae Gillies or MacRae Gillies
Cesar Giris
Montague Glass
J. D. Gleason
Frank Godwin
Karl Godwin
Rube Lucius Goldberg
W. M. Goodes
Paul Goold (Spelling might be Gould … I have disagreed with myself on this)
J. J. Gould
Leon M. Gordon
Robert A. Graef
Ed Graham
Gordon Hope Grant = Gordon Grant
Maud Grant-Ford
Walter Granville-Smith
W. R. Graupner
C. Gray-Parker
Elizabeth Shippen Green
Greenawalt, probably C. Greenawalt. NOT Frank.
H. C. Greening
Will Grefe
M. Greiner
Baron C. De Grimm
John O. Groats
Milt Gross
William Grotz
Henri Grousse
Johnny Gruelle
Frederic R. Gruger
Albert Guillaume
Arthur Guiterman – rhymed reviews
Archie Gunn

Harry Haenigsen
Margaret Hafford
Gordon Hake
H. C. Hall
Nell Ham
Will Hammell
Henry William Hanemann
Frank Hanley
Thomas King Hanna = T.K. Hanna, Jr.
George Harper
A. W. Harrington
G. W. Harting
Dick Hartley
C. Bertram Hartman
Alice Harvey
Ernest Haskell
Carl Haslam
Joseph Walter Hawkins
Hayden Hayden
I. B. Hazelton
Howard P. Heath
Cark Heck
Peter Helck
John Held, Jr. = John Held Jr
Art Helfant
L. G. Hemsteger
Marjorie Henderson = Marge
Edwin B. Henry
John Henry Henrici
Oliver Herford
Hermione, probably Hermione Palmer
Don Herold
Paul Hesse
Boz Hewes
H. Heyer, probably Herman Heyer
C. B. Hill
H. Hill
R. Jerome Hill
W. E. Hill
Hilliker, probably Douglas H. Hilliker
Lejaren A. Hiller
Ned Hilton
Walter Haskell Hinton
Albert Hirschfeld
Guy Hoff
Ludwig Hohlwein
George L. Hollrock = Geo Hollrock
Bill Holman
R. John Holmgren
Leonard T. Holton = L. T. Holton
Ellison Hoover, probably Ellison B. Hoover
Caryl Hopkins-Slocum
Frank Hopkins
E. Horter
Nell Hott
James House, Jr.
F. K. Houston
Oscar Frederick Howard = Of H
F. M. Howarth
John Newton Howitt
Wilfrid Huggins
Charles Hughes
Rupert Hughes
A. G. Hull
Walter Reach Humphrey
Lynn Bogue Hunt
Francis Tipton Hunter
Peter Hurd
Hal Hurst
August William Hutaf
Ned Huton – – – see Ned HILTON
Henry Hutt
W. H. Hyde
H. Hymer, possibly Henry E. Hymer

Paul Ickes
Leslie Gilbert Illingworth
Harold Imbrie – art and poetry
G. Burr Inwood
Baron Ireland
Rea C. Irvin = RI
Wallace Irwin

John Edwin Jackson
Wm. L. Jacobs = William L. Jacobs
Will James
Arthur E. Jameson
Louis Jamme
Norman E. Jennett
R. G. Jennings
C. Everett Johnson
Charles Howard Johnson = Chas. H. Johnson
Herbert Johnson
Merle Devore Johnson
Percy D. Johnson
Will B. Johnstone
Bayard Jones
Ellis O. Jones
Lombard Jones
Walter Jug
Lyle Justis

C. W. Kahles
Charles Kaiser
Eliot Keen
Arthur Ignatius Keller
Arthur Kelley
Eldon Kelley
Edward Windsor Kemble
Kemp – – – see Starrett
Charles Kendrick
Norman Kenyon
W. B. Ker – – – see Balfour-Kerr
J. F. Kernan
John Kieran – sports editor
B. Cory Kilvert
Hamilton King = H. K.
William B. King = W. B. King
Wyncie King
Rollin Kirby
Marguerite Kirmse
Edward Cy Klauck ** Found same artist listed as Edward A Klauck
I. Klein
E. S. Klempner
Walter Klett
C. Krafft
Gustav Krollmann
Walter Kuhn = Walt Kuhn

John LaGatta
C. M. Lambly
Elizabeth Denison Lance
Ralph Lane
R. Langer, possibly Robert Frank Langer
Mario Larrinaga
Sydney Mortimer Laurence
Robert R. Lawson
A. G. Learned
William Robinson Leigh
Lejaren – – – see Lejaren a Hiller
Joseph A. Lemon
Baird Leonard – Mrs. Pep’s diary
C. F. Lester
Albert Levering
H. Gilbert Levine
Bert Levy
Newman Levy
Arthur Lewis
Frank X. Leyendecker = F. X. Leyendecker
Joseph Christian Leyendecker = J. C. Leyendecker
F. Foster Lincoln
Harry A. Linnell
Arthur Litle
Pedro Llanuza
Mortimer W. Loew (probably) or Loewe
F. D. Lohmann
Andrew Loomis
Anita Loos
Charles Waldo Love
Orson Byron Lowell
Cal Luce
Fred Ludekens
Luthi, perhaps A. Luthi
Edwin Lutz, probably E. G. Lutz
Philip Lyford
Dan Lynch
J. Norman Lynd

Charles Raymond Macauley
Angus Peter MacDonall
Jefferson Machamer
A. Machefert
D. A. MacKellar, probably Duncan, see also McKellar
Mary MacKinnon
Gus Mager
Robert James Malone
R. W. Manning
E. Marcus
Marge = Marjorie Henderson
Walter De Maris
E. Markem or Markenz
Holly Amphion Markle = H. Amphion Markle
Jack Markow
Ben Martin
E. S. Martin – editor / publisher
Conrado Massaguer
Mashe – – – see Edmund Marion ASHE
Roy Martell Mason
Tom Masson = T. M. – writer
Violet Maxwell
Phil May
Hy Mayer, probably Henry Mayer
F. J. Mayfield
Clifford McBride
Clarence J. McCarthy
Winsor Zenic McCay
Frederick McCormick
George McEvoy
Aldus McGinnis
Dorothy McKay
Donald McKee
James Cook McKell = James C. McKell
McKellar, probably D. A. McKellar, see also MacKellar
Ronald McLeod
Neysa McMein
Mary Lane McMillan
E. McNerney, Jr.
Harry W. McVickar = H. W. McVickar
Clifton Meek
Arthur T. Merrick
Harry Morse Meyers
Walter Meyner
W. de Meza = Wilson deMeza
Hester Miller
Donald Mills
Miner, possibly E. H. Miner
N. T. Mingo, probably Norman Theodore Mingo
G. H. Mitchell, probably George Harold Mitchell
John Ames Mitchell = J. A. Mitchell
Fred Mizen
Edward E. Monks
Guernsey Moore
V. V. Mora
Ike Morgan
Joseph Morgan
R. I. Morgan (probably)
Wallace Morgan = W. Morgan
Stuart Morris
C. J. Mulholland
Webster Murray

John Frederick Nankivel = Fred Nankivel
C. F. Neagle
Fred Neher
Harry B. Neilson
G. Patrick Nelson
W. D. Nesbitt – poet
Peter Newell = P. Newell
Newman, probably CEH Newman
V. W. Newman
A. E. Northup
Arthur Nowell

William Oberhardt
Of H – – – see Oscar Frederick Howard.
H. A. Ogden
Marcel Olis
Power O’Malley = Michael Augustin Power O’Malley
J. O’Neill
Rose Cecil Latham O’Neill = Rose O’Neill
Robert Orr
Ostertag (probably Blanche)
E. P. Ottendorf

AAP (in a triangle) – who knows this artist?
Ethyl P.
Pancher – – – see Fancher
Pancoast, probably Morris Hall Pancoast.
Anita (Wilcox) Parkhurst
Dorothy Parker
C. Gray Parker – – – see C. Gray-Parker
Wm. E. Parker
Harry V. Parkhurst
Ray Parmelee
Maxfield Parrish = MP   – – – READ MORE about the very talented Maxfield Parrish!
Bernard Partridge
Russell Patterson
Herbert Andrew Paus
A. H. Payne
Harvey Peake
Clara Elsene Peck
Henry J. Peck = H. J. Peck
Fred Pegram
Alfonso X Peña
Edward Penfield
George W. Penfield = G. W. Penfield
Victor Semon Perard
Myron C. Perley = MCP
Raymond Perry
Pete – – – Who knows the full name of this artist?  June 21, 1906 and October 18, 1906
Albert E. Peters
C. F. Peters
Dewitt Clinton Peters = Clinton Peters
M. A. Petersen
Alfred Conway Peyton
A. H. Phillips
C. Coles Phillips  – – – READ MORE about the amazing Coles Phillips!
Elmer William Pirson
George Wolfe Plank = GWP
Ethel McClellan Plummer
Alexander Popini
Bean Potwell
Edward Poucher
Doane Powell
Gene Pressler
May Wilson Preston
Garrett Price
Geo Price = George Price
Norman Mills Price
William Meade Prince
Louis Priscilla

Frank Quail = F. Q.

John Rae
Louis Raemaekers
R. H. Rahilly
A. D. Rahn
Henry Raleigh
Lester Ralph = LR
Elsie Rand
Will Rannells
Fletcher C. Ransom
Gordon Rant – – – see Gordon GRANT
Pamela Vinton Ravenel = Pamela Hart Brown Vinton = Pamela Vinton-Brown
J. J. Ray.
Gardner Rea = REA
Frank W. Read = F. W. Read
Raphe Reay
Leon Redon
William Lord Reed
Emily Shaw Reese (The Reeses)
Walter O. Reese (The Reeses)
Paul Reilly
Charles Stanley Reinhart
Charles Mark Relyea
Agnes Repplier
Grant Reynard
Gaspano Ricca or Gaspana Ricco
Burton Rice
Dick Richard
Frederick T. Richards = F. T. Richards
G. M. Richards
C. Richmond
W. Von Riegen
David Robinson
R. B. Robinson, probably NOT Robert Bernard Robinson
Rachael Robinson
Robert Robinson, probably Robert Bernard Robertson.
W. Heath Robinson
M. Paul Roche
Maxwell Warren Rockwell
Norman Rockwell – – – READ MORE about Norman Rockwell
Ruth Eastman Rodgers = Ruth Eastman
Elsa Roeder
Herbert Roese
Barksdale Rogers
W. A. Rogers
Will Rogers – humorist, political candidate
Ray Rohn.
Henry Mortikar Rosenberg, probably.
Donald Stuart Ross = Donald S. Ross
A. Herb Roth = Herb Roth
Clarence Rowe
Arthur P. Rule
S. D. Runyon
Reginald G. Russom = R. G. Russom
Robert K. Ryland

Geo H. Samuels
Valentine Sandberg
B. H. Sanders
Santoyo, might be Mattias Santoya = Matias Santoyo
Alice Sargent
Tony Sarg
Alek Sass
J. Saulsbury
Rudolph Frederick Schabelitz = R. F. Schabelitz
Van Schaick – – – see Stephen Van Schaick.   Signs as Van.
Albert L. Scherzer
Joe Scheuerle = Joseph
Walter Schmidt
Emil Schnellock
Schus, probably Adolph Schus
Bruce Scrimgeour
Emory P. Seidel = E. P. Seidel
Dr. Seuss = Dr. S. = Theodor Seuss Geisel
Shanks, might be Maria Gore
Bert Sharkey
J. R. Shaver
Glenn Shaw
M. F. Shea
George Shellhase
George Shepherd
William Ludwig Sheppard = W. L. Sheppard
John E. Sheridan
G. S. Sherwood
Robert E. Sherwood – film critic
Barbara Shermund
Florence Scovel Shinn
G. H. Shorey
Harold Sichel
Orrin W. Simons
Slocum – – – see Hopkins-Slocum
Frank Otis Small
G. W. Smetham-Jones
Agnes Smith – radio commentary
Calvert Smith, probably James Calvert Smith, usually signed as Calvert.
Carlton Smith
Dorothy Hope Smith
James Calvert Smith, usually signed as Calvert.
J. H. Smith, probably Jerome Howard Smith = Josiah Howard Smith
Moore Smith
Walter Smith – – – see Walter Granville-Smith
Frank Snapp
Otto Soglow
Antonio Sotomayor
Henry James Soulen
Grace Chapman Spader – writer
H. D. Speakman, possibly Harold
Gil Spear
Spike, possibly Spike Milligan.
Charles Clyde Squires = C. Clyde Squires
Albert Staehle
Paul Stahr
Penrhyn Stanlaws
Frederic Stanley
Kemp Starrett = W. K. Starrett
William Steig
Albert E. Sterner
Frank Stick
Margery Stocking = M. A. Stocking
J. Lawrence Stone
Cecil Elvin Storm
Storm, probably George Storm
Lauren Stout
Loren Stout
Malcolm Strauss
F. Strothmann
Larry Stults = Elwin Martin Stults, Jr.
Katharine Sturges
Frank Sullivan
Thomas Starling Sullivant = T. S. Sullivant = T.S.S.
Haddon (Sunny) Hubbard Sundblom
Henry Suydam – political observer
C. H. Sykes

Taplin, possibly Ben Taplin
C. J. Taylor
Horace Taylor
Jim Taylor
Gustaf Adolf Tenggren
Saul Tepper
John ColemanTerry
Jeff Tester
Raymond Thayer
Henry A. Thiede
Thomas of Bombay
Rodney Thomson
Leslie Thrasher
Mrs Newell Tilton
Harry Laverne Timmins
Walter Ernest Tittle
Otto Toaspern
Barney Tobey
George Timothy Tobin
Toney, probably Lawrence
Sanford Tousey
The Tower Company
Chales H. Towne
Adolph Treidler
James Trembath

Clarence F. Underwood

DeAlton Valentine
Henry E. Vallely
Raeburn Van Buren
William T. Van Dresser
Stephen W. Van Schaick
John William Vawter = Will Vawter
William Francis (Frank) Ver Beck = Verbeck
Albert Viale
M. Vickar – – – see McVickar
Pamela Vinton-Brown = Pamela Hart Brown Vinton = Pamela Vinton Ravenel
Charles A. Voight
Gertrude Volz – – – see Gertrude V. Crosby
Von Arsdale
W. Von Riegen

Alanson Burton Walker = A. B. Walker
E. Walker
William H. Walker = W. H. Walker = Wm. H. Walker.
Hans Axel Walleen = Hans A. Walleen
Hermann Carl Wall = H C Wall
A. A. Wallgren = Wally
Don Walling
Wally – – – see A. A. Wallgren
E. F. Ward
Emmett Watson
Watts, possibly Arthur George Watts
Clay Weaver
Paul Webb = P. Webb
Weborg (likely Arild Weborg)
Harold Tucker Webster = H. T. Webster
Wechsler, probably either Henry Benjamin or Arabella Kelly.
T. C. Weld
Wells, probably Benjamin Wells
Carolyn Wells
Alma S. Wenck
Albert Beck Wenzell
Simon Werner = S. Werner
James West
Paul West
Rudolf Wetterau
William Fletcher White = W. F. White
Herbert Merill Wilder = H. M. Wilder
Robert John Wildhack
A. M. Williard
Rodlow Willard
Gluyas Williams = GW
John A. Williams = J. A. Williams
B. Goe Willis
Cline Wilson
Don Wilson
Edward A. Wilson
Francis Vaux Wilson
Inafold E. Wilson
Jack Wilson
W. O. Wilson = WOW
Walter Winchell – column writer
Revere F. Wistehuff
Marjorie C. Woodbury
Mrs. Wilson Woodrow – writer
Woods, possibly William H. Woods.
M. Woolf = Michael Angelo Woolf (also Wolff, Wolf?)
Richard Woolman
George Hand Wright
Newell Convers Wyeth = N. C. Wyeth

Yawter – – – see Vawter
Frederick Coffay Yohn
R. Yook
Art Young, probably Arthur Young
Crawford Young
Ellsworth Young

Lee Woodward Zeigler

What Our Customers Have to Say.

Hi Brenda, Well the package arrived today up here in Canada in absolute MINT CONDITION. 🙂 My husband is thrilled!! Thanks very much for the prompt delivery. Have yourself a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Cheers,



This has been received and is in the condition advertised. I am very excited to receive this magazine as I am in the “face of America picture therein! Thanks.



Hi Brenda — Thank you for the great Life Magazine of August 5, 1946! It got here Monday and was packaged so incredibly well. There is a lengthy article in the magazine about my son’s great-grandfather and I wanted him to see it and have it. Years ago I saw the magazine and have always wanted to have a copy; now we do! I had no idea that you were just down the road in Salida. Please keep-up the great work, the fantastic products and the incredible service!



Hi Brenda, Thanks for the great service, got my requested magazine in just a couple of days. I also appreciate the fact you obviously grade your material below the actual Condition of the product. Hope I can find a reason to shop here again.


New Mexico

Hello Brenda, Just to let you know that the 1939 Look magazine has just arrived safely and quickly and is all that I hoped it would be. It was important that I have an original copy of this edition for my research project and so I’m delighted. Thank you again for all your help! Best wishes.



Got the magazine. I have been looking for a copy of this Life edition for about 15 years. The original oil painting on the cover by Frank Leyendecker has been in my family for over 80 years and I have always wanted to get a copy of the Life cover.



Received my magazine. Words can’t express my thanks. This is certainly a show & tell item. I expect that’ll we’ll cross paths again. Again, THANK YOU.



I received the Beatles August 1964 Life magazine and it was everything you said! Great condition, excellent timely service and extremely safe packaging! You saved me a whole bunch of time searching for something I’d probably never find anyway! I will definitely refer you and your company to friends! Thank you and have a great day!



Brenda, I got the magazine in this morning’s mail…..all in great shape! Very pleased with it. Thanks.



Brenda, I got the magazine in this morning’s mail…..all in great shape! Very pleased with it. Thanks.



Brenda: Received the Magazine yesterday. Love it! Your service is outstanding. I have been also looking for … ( ) should you ever come across it. Again, I am a very pleased customer and will certainly continue shopping and searching through 2Neat. Regards.



The 1954 Look magazine I ordered arrived today, and I am very pleased! Thank you for making such a rare treasure available. I plan to frame it with some Willie Mays baseball cards, and hang it prominently in my man-cave. It will be awesome! Thanks,



Thank you, thank you, thank you! It arrived in time for Father’s Day even though we cut it close. Your prompt shipping was key!

Kim and Johanna


Hi Brenda, Received magazine today… It is a 92nd BD gift for my dad and believe me he will be shocked to see it because he is in one of the pictures taken at the 500 mile Jack Pine motorcycle endurance run article in this issue. Thanks for the great service and magazine.



Thank you, Brenda. Our magazine arrived yesterday and we are very pleased with it. I have forwarded the information on to other family members. It was a nice Christmas present for us. Most of our family was here to see the magazine.

June and Philip


Hi Brenda, Thank you thank you I have received the magazines and they are fabulous!!!!!! everyone at work loves them too!! my sisters are going to be sooooooo happy 🙂 Thanks again!



Hello Brenda, Just to let you know that delivery was perfect, it was exactly what I was looking for, perfect condition. Well done. Thanks again!



“Hi Brenda, I received the magazine I purchased from you today. I must say, I cannot thank you enough for your careful packaging. My heart fell when I pulled into my driveway and spotted the envelope lying at my front door in the pouring rain! But I’m thrilled to report that because you had the foresight to wrap the magazine itself in plastic, it was not damaged.



Hi Brenda, The magazine arrived in good condition. Thank you. Regards,



Brenda – The magazine arrived and it’s in beautiful condition for my mom’s 90th birthday (the issue was published the day she was born).



I received the Look Magazine with the Maharishi article. It’s beautiful! I had this magazine when it first came out and lost it long ago. I’m so glad to have it again. Thank you!



I received my Saturday Evening Post 4-1-39 and I must thank you for the very prompt delivery and the truthfulness as to its condition. Well Done!



The magazines are exactly the way you described them. They arrived at my small town post office today in time for my deadline. Thanks for the great hassle free service.



Dear Brenda,
Thank you so much for the magazine. I received it a few days ago. Thank you for getting it to me so quickly. The condition of the magazine is fantastic, and it was shipped and packaged so carefully. It is just what I wanted, perfect!


New York

Thank you so much! The magazine arrived safely! I have been looking for this for a LONG time…This has the first ever printing of “Lassie Come Home”. I have the 1st edition book, etc., but have been looking for this magazine for a number of years…. Thank you again.



Thank you very much. What a logical, easy to use site. It only took seconds to find exactly what I was looking for. Glad I found you!



Hi Brenda, got my magazine this week, nicely packaged. Thanks for the prompt shipping.
We shall definitely recommend you to our friends and family, Merry Christmas!



Thank you very much, Brenda. I have now received the package, which I’m very happy with. Thank you for making it so sturdy too. Kind regards

