Life Magazine – September 10, 1908 (# 1350) – Blacks in America.
Magazine Condition : Good
Out of stock
Cover : Maid alerting woman that there is a burglar downstairs, Woman answers sleepily, “Tell him I’m not at home, Mary,” art by Shef Clarke.
– Half page Victor Talking Machine ad with singer Jenny Lind.
– Full page black and white ads for Packard Motor cars (nice art of Packard thirty with limousine body), Budweiser beer.
– Two page centerspread art by Harry Grant Dart, “Farm life as it may appear after Mr. Roosevelt improves it – but anyhow, vote for Taft.”
– Humorous early “photoshopped” photos, What an amateur Nature-Faker saw in New York the morning after.
– Some current events include : Perhaps some day there will be an important emigration of American negroes to Africa, White men must help black men secure their rights like voting, The presidential campaign is comically dull.
– “The black and white races are never going to mix in this country to any extent worth worrying about. They mix in blood less now than in slavery times.” This is part of a rather uncomplimentary section about blacks in the editor’s column.
– And so much more! Life humor magazines are great FUN – get ready to grin, giggle and guffaw!